Promotion on the Indian travel trade market online
Travel Technology organizer operates in CIS countries under Profi.Travel brand. For more than 7 years we have held international online exhibitions for the CIS audience and about Russian tour products for the audience in India, China, and GCC countries — Online Travel Market, Russian Expo Days, and others.
• B2B and B2C promotion of tour operators and hotels by destinations
• Experience in the markets of India, China, Europe, the Gulf countries, Asia, Central Asia
Our advantages
More than
25 years of experience
in the b2b travel market
Subscriber base
27 thousand segmented professionals in India
for holding online exhibitions and webinars
Proprietary platform
Our products
This is a two-week event where the Ministries of Tourism of foreign countries, hotels and tour operators hold live broadcasts about their seasonal products for travel companies.
Travel Expo Week
Travel Exvo Week informs Indian travel companies about overseas holiday destinations. Clients are the Ministries of Tourism of the leading countries in terms of tourist flow from India.
Our clients
Clients review
  • Hilton Maldives
    Amingiri Resort & Spa
    Thank you so much. In the future if there are any such events or marketing campaigns targeting Indian Market with Indian agents, please do not hesitate to reach out as I would love to collaborate with you in the future as well
  • Elexus
    Hotel & Resort & Spa
    Everything was well organized, timed and professional. Good quality and high level! Thank you for this opportunity, hope to cooperate with you and your amazing team in close future once again!
Our products
  • 1
    Email marketing
    Mailings to a unique database of more than 27,000 segmented travel industry professionals in India. Bonus: chats and newsletters on WhatsApp
  • 2
    Proprietary technical platform with qualified technical support team. Possibility of simultaneous translation into different languages. Newsletter with information about the webinar on the database of 27,000 addresses of Indian tourism professionals.
  • 3
    Studying projects
    Interactive educational projects for tourism professionals, including detailed information about the destination, an interactive map, webinars, testing and competitions, as well as a large-scale promotional campaign for tourism professionals in India.
    From $10,000
  • 4
    Surveys and market analytics
    We analyze the audience and their attitude towards your product, and give recommendations for improving your marketing or the product as a whole.
    Price under request
Our products
Email marketing
Mailings to a unique database of more than 27,000 segmented travel industry professionals in India. Bonus: chats and newsletters on WhatsApp
Proprietary technical platform with qualified technical support team. Possibility of simultaneous translation into different languages. Newsletter with information about the webinar on the database of 27,000 addresses of Indian tourism professionals.
Studying projects
Surveys and market analytics
Interactive educational projects for tourism professionals, including detailed information about the destination, an interactive map, webinars, testing and competitions,
as well as a large-scale promotional campaign for tourism professionals in India.
From $10,000
We analyze the audience and their attitude towards your product, and give recommendations for improving your marketing or the product as a whole.
Price under request
Our Indian
market research
Outbound tourism in India recovers faster than expected
How can travel agents increase their revenue in a rapidly growing market?
See more
Our team
Alex Vengin
CEO and co-founder
Nadejda Ebel
Head of Analytical Center
and Co-founder
Olesya Oleynikova
Deputy CEO and co-founder
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